Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Work and Play: Photos!

View of the Ganga River and some boats, which later brought many people over from across the river near sunset.

Also used to bring materials for the expansion project going on. 

View of the river... using fun photo editing on upgraded Picassa... :)

Playing in the waters...

On the boat!

Views from the boat looking at the shore.

There were lots of places where families were playing by the water.


Temple.. and remains of a castle?

Out on the water...

After lunch, these tables had been set up by the riverside.

There were three tables set up like this...

A river boat going out on the water. Next time I may do this. I guess it is usually crowded but when we saw it leave there weren't that many people aboard. 
Oh, did you catch the balloon thing in the water? You can jump in and run around on the Ganga River in your hamster ball/cylinder. Um, awesome?

This picture is from here. I forgot to take a picture when we got down off the oddly shaped structure of the Golghar (silo). 

The view from the top of the silo, looking over Patna.

Looking towards the river...

Upgraded Picassa is fun times. I made this from a blurry picture of an auto-rickshaw at night. 

Work and Play

Today is Day 2 of training for district officers to learn about maternal health. It’s actually quite a fun meeting to attend. I’ve learned most of this information through classes at Emory but definitely not all and it has been quite interesting to review the background information and think about how these different concepts and strategies are applied to the context of rural Bihar. The whole reason why I am hear is to tell them about a survey that I’m doing and will need their assistance so I hope they are not all tired out by the time it’s my turn!

In more interesting events, on Friday I was able to go Kapil’s Eleven. So far one of the nicest restaurants I’ve been to here. It’s owned by Kapil Dev, a famous Indian cricket player who was the captain of the national team when they won the 1983 Cricket World Cup. I got the honey crispy chicken which was delicious… In addition, there were no bones or gristle, which added to the deliciousness… :)

On Sunday, I got to explore the Ganges (Ganga) river. We went down to the banks and found a guy with a motorboat who took us on a 20 minute ride up and down the river (I promise it’s less sketchy than it sounds!) Afterwards, we had lunch at a nearby restaurant that overlooked the river. PS - Upon siting down, the waiters immediately attempted to block the river view with shades on the windows. I assume this was to block us from the sun but we managed to stop them before the whole view was obstructed.  I had a masala Uttapam which is sort of like a pancake with spicy potatoes/veggies in it. I also tried to order a sweet lassi but I got a Limca. Oh well, it was good too.

On the way back, we visited and climbed the Golghar, a grain silo near the Ganga River and Gandhi Maidan. In response to a great famine in 1770, Captain John Garstin (British) built a great silo (golghar) to store food grains for the British army. It also has two staircases that wind up to the top and it appears that on a Sunday, it is fun for the whole family to climb the 145 steps to the top and back down. (And it was fun for me too!) 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Random Pictures

  So, I know that you all look forward to reading my rambling stories with long, obnoxious blocks of text in your spare time... But today you will just have to suffice with various pictures of my week. :) Enjoy!

Nothing like some Veg Jambalaya in the Patna! 

Pilot testing small bowls so that health workers can show mothers that you need to feed your child THIS much.. :)

Views from the health center in Patna District.

Bottle gourd, anyone?

Would anyone like a small packet? Of.... anything?!?

As we were going back to the office, we passed a drainage ditch (and trash dump). It was rank and long and never really seemed to end. In some places they were covering it up so people could walk over it, etc. (see below) but in many other places kids were playing, business were nearby, and life went on. :(

Cycle rickshaws

Jaspreet and I! Tired after a long day... :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekend Fun

This weekend I had TWO days of fun... It's like it was an actual weekend or something.. :)

Day 1:  I went to Maurya Lok with Jaspreet and we went to all the hot spots: Bihar Emporium (for madhubani!), Jaipur Emporium (for leggings!), 2 gift stores (for windchimes!), and various clothing stores with names I've forgotten (to look at fabrics!) At the end of the day we went to Mausam Munch.. which means Weather Munch... which means I'm probably translating something wrong... There we had ginger lemonade. I don't know why but I had visions of some Leon's concoction with fresh squeezed lemons and a touch of ginger. I was quite mistaken... It tasted like an entire piece of ginger had somehow made its way into my beverage, along with some salt, and other assorted mystery flavors. Now, I finished it... and enjoyed it... just a jolt at the beginning. Especially since it was brown. That’s another interesting fact.

Day 2: Meggha called me and asked if I wanted to go to a movie. I said yes. She said it's called, "Adventures" and I can look it up online. I thought, "I just want to do something... it really doesn't matter what the movie is about." Well, exciting times, it was AVENGERS in 3D. That's right ya'll before it came out in the states the Bihar population got to witness a 3D Hollywood fun fest for Rs. 210 ($4.20). Bam.

And it turns out there are no cameras allowed in the movie theater. This makes sense because of the whole rampant pirated movie thing in India (and much of the world) but I didn't know so I had a camera. I was told to put it at the baggage counter so Meggha ran off and checked it in there (hindi, hindi, hindi) and we sat. They even took our order in the theater which was cool, and flashed flashlights in everybody’s eyes while seating people and taking their orders until about 20 minutes into the movie and at various other times, which was less cool. I also learned that here it is A-OK to text your way through a movie. But aside from the little white lights around me, it was a pretty awesome time... :)

After the movie was done we were handing our 3D glasses back to the movie attendant (who I'd not seen before) he looked at me and enthusiastically said, "Camera hai?" Is your camera here? Why yes. I guess word travels fast at PM Mall Cineplex because now apparently all movie attendants had been notified that the blonde had brought a camera... even though only the lady checking my bag saw this ('cause Meggha turned it in to the counter.)

So anyway, fun weekend shopping, movie going, and watching people get excited / nervous about the escalator at the mall. All in all, a good time was had Patna mein.. :)

Playing with Picassa settings.. Picture of my kurta pattern

Two nights this week I've gotten serenaded by the nearest wedding band.. :)

Lizard on the ceiling!

Madhubani art from Bihar Emporium

More Madhubani.

Ok, last one.