Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pilot testing in Patna District

To begin the qualitative adventure, first we had to pilot test our interview guides and make sure that the research assistants got some practice before the real thing. We learned that sometimes block coordinators bring all pregnant women they can find instead of your requested 4-6. We also learned that it is inappropriate to give out 15 snacks when 35 “spectators” are also there, watching. 

Focus Group using participatory learning tools... what, what.

So when the driver decides there is something wrong with the car after you have driven a whole 10 minutes on the way to your site and tells you he's going to park here for 30 minutes while the company sends another car, there is only one thing to do. Sugar cane juice!

I was sitting in between pilot testing interviews and decided to take some pictures of the women sitting outside. Lucky me I captured this beautiful women adjusting her sari.

Healthcare workers discussing anemia. Hooray!

The view from the health sub-center. Quite pretty, right? You wouldn't even suspect this was taken from right above the bathrooms... or maybe you would.

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