Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Patna Market we go...

Our journey to Patna Market took us 2 shared auto rickshaws and a cycle rickshaw. We were five so we piled in 3 to this rickshaw and the poor guy had to cycle uphill to the entry of the market place. Since I was sticking out of the rickshaw anyway, I took some pictures on the way…

From the rickshaw…

Made it! I missed this sign last time I was here and thought it was just a bunch of stores that everyone knew about. Nope, it’s well labeled… unlike quite a few other places here… We all bought lots of fabric to get stitched into Salwar Kameez suits. Our friend Vatsla also had to go there to get her ring size… for her wedding ring! 

Yum.. street food!

Chillin’ at the market

More street food!

Artsy photos with materials at the market…

I'm not sure exactly what a saree fall is but I think these are the boxes where you can find tops and petticoats to wear under your sari? Anyway, I thought the boxes and the lettering were super cute... :)

Yep, we ate some street food!

And it was awesome...

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