Saturday, October 22, 2011

Śurū karnā: To begin

As most of you know, I made it safely to Bihar on Friday night. I learned lots of fun things on the way including how to navigate through foreign airports (of which I count O’Hare!) and how to ask every person you meet for directions. :) I learned that Air India gives out a lot of food, even on 1 hour flights. Also, I learned I do not like vegetarian airplane Indian food. (It should be noted, that I’m not a big fan of vegetarian food on airplanes at all, actually... I suspect airplane chefs are not vegetarians...)

My biggest excitement by far was the first night. The driver who picked me up was great and I was able to talk to some people on the work team as soon as I arrived. We also went to the ATM (which is very close to the hotel and which I will probably never find again) and to buy a phone. (Woohoo!) I was successful in both my purchase and clearly entertaining the store salesmen as they each had to take a picture of the sale. (Handing over the phone… big event!) Unfortunately, the phone company disagreed and the cell is still not working.. maybe next week?

For the moment, those are basically all my exciting stories. It’s the weekend so no one was at the office so I’m waiting for Monday. Diwali and regional festivities will be going on until the 31st of October so not much will happen before then. I’m hoping that between now and then I’ll be able to get out and see some things or at least get some work done. Or at the very least get internet access so I can post this!

1 comment:

  1. Super excited you started a blog, so that I can cyber stalk you now! BTW I don't like vegetarian plane food either, causing me to view long flights as an opportunity for a short term crash diet!
