Thursday, December 15, 2011

Last field visit! :(

Wow, I can’t believe all the field visits are over! No more MO/ICs, CSs, DPMs, DHMs DCMs, DAMs, MOs, BDOs, BAMs, BHMs, BCMs, ANMs, AWWs, or ASHAs. No more going to DHs, DHSs, PHCs, HSCs, APHCs, SHSs, or AWCs. Now all I have left this trip is to share my findings with the COP, DCOP, and others at CARE and work on pilot testing my questionnaire for the ANMs to be given by the BCs. Simple stuff, no? :)

I have had a great time learning about the CARE interventions and the healthcare drug delivery system here in Bihar and am looking forward to using all my newfound acronyms in the spring!

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